
Thursday, July 2, 2020

the seven sisters of matariki

WALT we are learning about myths and legends of matariki

Once there was eight men at there whare there was seven
hansom men they was not even married because they
 thought no people was beautiful as them. Once when the 
men was going on a walk they saw seven beautiful girls the 
next minute they fell in love with them. They did not water 
there garden once one of the men went fishing 
for his wife when he came back from fishing he looked 
in the whare his wife was not in it. So he told his brothers. 
His brothers went to look in there whare the girls was not 
there the was looking around there whares jeff came out.
Jeff went to the marae and found six piwakawaka and one 
flying out of the marae all seven piwakawaka transferred into 
there wifes. Jeff was supisosh jeff told the other brothers they believed him. The girls was planning to starve them
to  death. The brothers planned to trap there wifes then  

piwakawaka/girls when on the tree the trap dropped the 
men brought them to  the sky and then they turned into 

i liked when the girls turned into piwakawaka.
do you think there is nine sisters now?